
We always provide people a complete solution focused of any business.


We are customer focused provide a best solution of business.


Our success rate almost 100% - ensures goal of any type business .


We always provide people a complete solution focused of any business.


NextwoWhat We Do

For IT companies that want to expand their team members efficiently in Jordan, we provide services not only office space and employees, in fact, we help all the way from the technical consultancy, team building, administrative services, managing finances and legal services, as well as other supportive services that are available per request


Identify Your Needs

Proper planning and team sizing


IT Platform

Your team offices are fully equipped with technical devices



Team Building and Headhunting


Managerial and HR Services

We care about your employees and their services


Accounting Services

We manage all accounting services for your team


Legal Services

Legal support is provided to fulfil different purposes in the business

About Us

Welcome to Nextwo

Nextwo is a Jordanian company that have a team experienced in the IT industry for more than 15 years. and that experience was built through time and success stories. after helping many companies to expand their teams in Amman, we developed mature knowledge of what is needed and the common challenges..

We provide you with a comfortable and quiet environment with all necessary requirements to connect you with your employees.

Let's Start

Build your team with us

We Provide You With A Comfortable And Quiet Environment With All The Necessary Requirements To Connect You With Your Employees.




Success Partners

Expert People

Our Team Members

Our goal is to collaborate with you to help you grow your business in Amman - Jordan.
and based on experiences we provide all needed services, consultations and techniques.

Contact us

Get In Touch

    Contact Info


    Amman - Jordan


    Opening Hours

    Sun - Thurs: 09:00-18:00


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